Monday, 25 June 2012

Pitching your manuscript at the Conference

If you would like an opportunity to pitch your idea to a your idea for a kids or young adult novel, or a picture book to a panel of publishers you will first need to book for the Festival or be part of the SCBWI Conference.

The next step is to send an email to that includes a brief synopsis of your project, advising what stage it’s at, and your intended audience. 

All emails that meet this criteria will go in a draw to be randomly selected during the pitch sessions. 

If you are selected on the day your pitch should not be longer than two minutes. 

Please include “Kids and Young Adult Pitch Session” or “Picture book Pitch Session”  plus SCBWI/NSWWC - Sat 30th, in the subject header of your email.

Kids and Young Adult Novels with Lisa Berryman (HarperCollins), Brian Cook (Manuscript Agency), Chris Kunz (Random House) and Zoe Walton (Random House)

Picture Books with Jeanmarie Morosin (Random House), Tegan Morrison (ABC Books), Karen Tayleur (Five Mile Press) and Sue Whiting (Walker Books)


  1. Hello! I'm really enjoying the blog leading up to the conference. I just submitted a pitch, but then found some info through the Writer's Centre website that said it was only open to unpublished authors, so I've written to withdraw my entry. Perhaps you can mention it in the blog post for people like me who are pretty new to all of this and didn't know. Thanks! Julia.

  2. Julia, any author can try for a pitching session - that information you got is incorrect. Stories being pitched must not be published, but certainly all authors can do it.
    You need to send in your entry again because you are able to throw your hat (and your pitch)in the ring.
    best wishes

  3. Hi Sheryl, Thanks so much for your fast and positive response! Cheers, Julia.
    [My info came from which reads "Unpublished authors and illustrators will have an opportunity to pitch their idea to a panel of publishers" - I've misunderstood]
