Monday, 11 June 2012


Celebrating Children’s Authors & Illustrators at
The International SCBWI Conference  Sydney

with Catriona Hoy, Belinda Murrell, Pamela Rushby,
& Crystal Kite Winners James Foley & Norman Jorgenson

The Little Dinosaur by Catriona Hoy & Andrew Plant (Working Title Press)

The Little Dinosaur combines dramatic narrative with scientific fact to tell a fascinating, poignant story. It has been created by the team that created the 2011 CBCA Notable Book, Puggle.
The Little Dinosaur ~ BOOK LAUNCH FRIDAY 29 JUNE 6.30PM at The Hughenden Hotel 14 Queen Street Woollahra

The Forgotten Pearl by Belinda Murrell (Random House Australia)

The forgotten pearl is the key to entering an exhilarating wartime adventure from bestselling author Belinda Murrell, available as a paperback and e-book.
The Forgotten Pearl ~ BOOK LAUNCH SATURDAY 30 JUNE 1.30PM at the NSW Writers Centre Rozelle

The Horses Didn’t Come Home by Pamela Rushby (HarperCollins)

A boy, his horse – a war far from home. The last great cavalry charge in history took place at Beersheba in the Sinai Desert in 1917. It was Australian horses and soldiers that took part in, and won, this amazing, unexpected, unorthodox victory. The men proudly proclaimed it was their great-hearted horses that won the day. But, in the end, the horses didn’t come home …
The Horses Didn’t Come Home ~ BOOK LAUNCH SATURDAY 30 JUNE 7.00PM at the Hughenden Hotel 14 Queen Street Woollahra

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